OFT Detail
Assessment of chemical for Mustard Aphid management
Assessment of chemical for Mustard Aphid management
Season & Year Rabi - 2012-13
Problem  Yield loss due to  Aphid
Thematic Area Insect Management/Plant Protection
Name of Technology Imidaclorpid 17.85 % SL
Source of Technology Assam Agriculture University Jorhat 2010
Farmers Practice (T1) No use of chemicals
Assessed Rec. Practice (T2) Imidaclorpid 17.85% SL 3 ml/sprayer (15 lt of water)
Other information Sowing 1st week of December Data recordred after 1 days of spray . 20gm a.i./hac
No. of Trials (Replication) 04


Treatment Yield
(q ha-1)
% Increase in Yield % Mortality /sq. m. % Reduction in mortality Net Income Rs/ha B:C Ratio**
T1 5.26 54.95 17.26 67.55 5650 1:1.75
T2 8.15 5.60 11475 1:2.3
Result: Mustard Aphid management by chemical the average yield was 8.15 q/ha which is the best over 5.26 q/ha it means the use of Imidachlorpid 17.85% SL increases the yield 54.95% with Aphid population 5.60/cm2 and 17.26/ cm2 respectively.
Recommendations: Spray Imidaclorpid 17.8 SL 3 ml/ 15 lt of water during incidence of aphid.
Farmers Feedback : Farmer’s appreciated the chemical no aphid population found after 48 hrs of spray.


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